Meet Talethia and The Edwards Family

Harold and Talethia Edwards
Talethia Edwards is a mother, wife and --more importantly--a woman of God. She and her husband, Harold, are the loving parents of five children. Together they have learned lessons about raising children and making life affordable on one income. They maintain their budget, sanity and life; one prayer at a time. Edwards is a graduate of Florida A&M University where she received her BA degree in English. It’s not unusual to see her in the second row of the Greater Blessings Tabernacle of Praise, where she serves as the committee chair for married couples ministry. When she gets a spare moment, Talethia enjoys reading, writing and good conversation. She bakes a mean cake and caters through her company CRUMBS Bakery& Catering Company. She is currently penning Only Paper Understands: My Thoughts and Prayers and Growing Up Under Pressure. She lives for God and to serve others. She is developing The Keep Looking Up Foundation.

First Row: Elijah,Haniah, Joshua and Jermaine
Back Row: Talethia and Harold Edwards

Our newest edition: Haleigh Joy