Thursday, January 27, 2011

Untouchable Wisdom

Phenomenal Woman, I Know Why the Cages Bird Sings, and  Still I Rise all very popular poems written by one America's greatest writers of our time, Maya Angelou. I have read her work since I was a little girl, I have even performed her pieces in oratorical competitions. Maya Angelou has a way with words that I only pray that God would give me.

I had the opportunity last night to attend an event where she was the keynote speaker. As the Lawton- Chiles Multiplex filled up on the campus of Florida A&M University with those young and old, black and white to hear all that she had to share you could feel the excitement of all who entered. I sat on the edge of my seat, attentive waiting for every nugget that would drop from her mouth. She spoke so softly, but every word carried so much weight. I wanted to cry many times throughout the night, but those around me would have understood.

I have  been inspired by Dr. Angelou for so many years, I even prayed the same pray she prayed as a child every time I wrote in my journals as a child, "God, please whisper the words in my ear". She spoke for about two hours but she said things in a few words that would have taken me volumes to say. So much of what she said I want to teach  my children, " This is your life not a rehearsal". She made me grateful for the few people who has been able to inspire and encourage me they were the " Rainbows in my clouds". Many who came last night were young college students and had to be there for extra credit, but for me I have experienced somethings and more now than before I understood some of the things she spoke about and I am inspired.

I may  never be able to personally tell Dr. Angelou how seeing her and hearing her story blessed me and forever I will be grateful for her untouchable wisdom.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Right In Front of My Eyes

When I became a mother, I pushed my dreams of law school and becoming a Supreme Court Judge to the side. After, I had my second child I figured that I would continue my education when she turned two years old, but to my surprise I was pregnant by the time she was three months old and remained pregnant for the next three years. I began to doubt if I would ever return to school.

I found myself resenting my my life and being a stay at home mom. The letters to repay student loans began to pour in and I was did not have a job because I had decided to stay at home and raise child. "The nerve of me", I thought to myself. This could not possibly be a good idea. My husband assured me that I was doing the best thing for our children and that in the end it would all pay off.

For the next three years as the babies kept coming, I remained at home with the kids not because I didn't want a job  but because we couldn't afford childcare for four children under the age of five. Then, in August when I gave birth to my fifth child something clicked. I felt a little happier about the added responsiblity. I didnt know what it was maybe post partum in reverse but it was a difference in how I felt about my family and my life as it was.

Our oldest started kindergarten and my three year old started preschool. Along with school days not my son decided he wanted to learn to play the piano and my daughter wanted to be a real life ballerina. I gave birth two weeks before all of this began. I thought I would be out of my mind to have taken on such a task. When the time came I planned ahead with packed snacks for the younger kids and activity books while we waited for each lesson to begin and end.

In December, my husband and I took a five day cruise for our wedding anniversary and we were leaving the kids with my  in-laws. My mother in law asked to write the baby daily routine down for her. I found myself typing and typing and when I finished I had wrote a page on each child and what could be expected from them even the oldest wanting to sleep in the living room on the weekends. After I was done, I did not think much of it I emailed it to my mother in law. She called and said that she was amazed at how detailed the instruction sheet was and at that moment I knew that was the reward my husband was speaking of; the reward of knowing everything about your children.

I found the reward of being a stay at home mom after five years of doing this day in and day out. I realized that I had an advantage. a close friend of mine gave birth shortly after me and had to return to work after six weeks which dramatically affected her milk supply but I was still successfully nursing my daughter. I realized that I have never had to be informed of something new my children were doing because I have been there for every moment, so I loosen my grip on the halls of justice and tightened my grip on the success of my family and decided to do what I really loved cooking and writing. I am in the process of starting a small bakery and catering company called CRUMBS Bakery and Catering Co. and I have started penning my new book  Only Paper Understands.

It took me some time to realize the blessing in being a stay at home mom, but my advice to you if you have the opportunity to stay at home and raise your children its a good thing. You kids will soon grow and be independent enough for you to do whatever your heart desires. So open your eyes because your happiness could be right in front of your eyes.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Family Getting You Down?

The old saying goes "You can't live with them, and you can't live without them". Some would beg to differ. Regaurdless of the dynamics we all have family. While growing up you just have to manage one group of people, but when you get married there are two sets of parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers, and aunts and uncles you have to please. The Holidays are no longer anticipated with joy but with stress about how to make both families feel important or included.

Its not always easy and there is no real science to getting it right. My best advice to anyone is to do what works for your house. Too many times husband and wives get in the business of pleasing their parents and lose themselves and the idea that they have set for their homes and children. Do not get me wrong families matter and parents and grandparents feelings should be taken into consideration, but give very little attention to their opinions when it can cost you marital or money issues. Nothing is worth creating problems in your marriage or putting the family account in the hole.

Families should be understanding of each situation and although thats ideal its not always the reality. So please do not allow family to get you down. Continue to reassure them that they are loved and be the shining example they need to see.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Guilt Free Vacations:Cutting Back to Get More

If you have a one income family or maybe a hard working two income family, you know how difficult it can be to get away for a family vacation. In times like these a weekend getaway can be a sacrifice. Well, in the Edwards' family we have found a way to enjoy guilt-free vacations. We managed to take vacations the last two years, but after the fun was over and we were settled back in our home the regret set in. "We should have thought the trip through more. We should have packed lunches". All of these comments after a vacation. What were we doing wrong? After two years of the same thing we decided that we were going to pay closer attention to our money and plan ahead not just by making reservations or deciding a location for our next trip, but we would plan with our money.

I don't know about your house, but we spent a lot of money on fast food. One day we sat down and analyzed our bank statements for a few months and what we found was that 1/4 of our monies were being spent on eating out. We thought we were saving money by eating at Kids Eat Free Nights and purchasing meals from the value menu, but the little we saved did us no good when we were eating out at least three times a week.

We were shocked at the amount of money we spent.  Basically, we were eating our money. What my husband and I decided to do was create an account just for the money that we would normally spend on fast food and use this money to plan more trips with the kids. This year alone we plan to take three major trips and the trips will not stress out the family budget at all because we are being more mindful of where our money is going . With the extra money we are saving, we were even able to take out better life insurance policies on the family.

I challenge you to join us on the journey to guilt free living. Sit down and see where your money is going. Reassess and see what you can do with the extra funds. Remember be realistic and have fun doing it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can't Get to The Gym: Bring It To You, Let Virtual Fitness Solve Your Weight Loss Problems

If you are like me it always seem that there is not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done and still get to the gym, Well with all the changing technology the gym can come to you. I remember watching my mother with all this bulky equitment at our house that she would use when she couldn't fit into a favorite pair of jeans.

Today we do not have to be concerned about gym memberships and bulky equiptment. With the invention of the Nintendo Wii system; Wii Fit and Wii Active can aid in your weight loss or your body maintence. These game system are so advance they even help motivate you by telling you that you are doing a good job.

After I gave birth to my last child, I wanted to lose and maintain my weight, however I set my mind on getting out of the house three times a week and once school started and the kids begin to have piano and dance lessons, I was not able to get out of the house like I needed to and I got discouraged. My husband went out and purchased the Nintendo Wii system as my solution. I was hesitant at first and refused to use the game. "How can a video game help me lose weight?", I thought . One day after stepping on the scale and realizing that I had gained nine pounds because of my protest to use the Wii Fit and indulging in a bad Krispy Kreme habit. I turned on the game and began my work out.

I started my consistent workout using the Wii game system one week ago and I lost 4 pounds. I realized that I do not have to go to the gym and I do not need bulky equiptment around my house all I need is deligence and my nifty Wii controller and I can sweat and lose as much weight as I want in the privacy of my own home. TRY IT!

Monday, January 10, 2011

5 Tips to Make Your Day A Little Smoother

Can you remember the last time that you had a smooth day? The kids slept in late, they were a little less messy at breakfast, they played well with each other while you washed the dishes. We all dream that everyday could be like these rare days. I have discovered a few little secrets to a smooter day and I am going to share them with you.

1. Clean the living room and kitchen the night before. This will ensure breakfast goes much smoother.

2. The night before laundry day seperate the clothes into loads and place them in baskets. It will make the wash load look less intimidating. And you will have a basket available for the dryer load.

3. Prep for dinner the night before. If you defrost you meat and season it the night before when its time to start dinner all you have to do it pop it in the oven and move on to the sides.

4. Prepare the kids clothing for the entire week on Sunday night. Whether you oversleep or the husband have to dress the kids you know everything will be under control because you dont have to search for anything to wear. Shirt, pants, socks, under shirts and shoes they are all in one place.

5. Relax, Rome was not built in a day. So many times we put our self on these Marathon days. Pace yourself, do what you can and the rest can wait. You maybe in luck the hubby may be in a good mood and complete the task for you.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Turn Little Into Much

My husband gave me a great compliment.  "Thank you for making me appear to have lots of money"! I told him he was welcomed and we said our I love yous and hung up the phone. But as I was doing my daily chores I realized how much that comment helped my attitude about what I do.

I have learned how to make a little into much. I have became my own social resource person. With five children, one income and multiple bills, it is important to me that our monies are going in the right places and not on things that adds no value to our lives. I believe in going to goodwill on Mondays (50% off) and utilizing my yahoo groups Freecycle and ReUseIt. These innovative ways has saved my family so much money and allowed us to do other things.

So today I say strive to make yourself seem like you have a lot of money by putting your money where its really needed and using other resources to offset cost where you can.

Mama Tee

Friday, January 7, 2011

Less of Them More of Me

Its not always easy to get "Me Time" when you are a mother. Being a mother of five young children I know that all too well. It seems like everything I plan to do for myself is always off set by some pressing emergency with the family. Whether it's PTA meeting, piano or dance lessons, a cold or the hubby just wants to spend time. A mommy's me time always seems to find it way killed and buried by other things.

I am here to tell you how necessary it is to get some "me time" in, Because I am a stay at home mom and the children are my responsiblity during the day I use my night hours as my time. Whether it is just taking a long soak in a warm tub, reading a few pages in my ALL YOU Magazine or watching IRONCHEF AMERICA until my eyes burn. That time is used just for me. After we have put the kids to bed and my husband and eye have digested the day. I steal a few hours for myself.

Many would call me crazy and say girl with a five year old three in between and a newborn you should get some sleep while its quiet. Sleep does not seem that appetizing if I fall asleep with my children and wake up with them. I find that I am a better mother if I can have sometime to indulge in the things I enjoy doing reading, writing or thumbing through a fashion magazine.

So my advice to you by any mean neccessary get some much needed "Me time" the length of that me time is totally up to you.